Monday, January 14, 2013

Sweet Potatoes

This weekend continued the introduction of new foods for Emma.  With my trusty helper Abigail we worked on prepping our ingredients.
Snagged a bag of these for $3.28 at Sam's Club, not too shabby.
Putting the help to work.  Her first peeling experience.  I was kicked out from helping peel and reduced to just cutting up the potatoes.
Sweet potatoes are usually only something I have had to deal with on Thanksgivings - like 2 years ago when the in-laws came to our house.  Our family prefers the sweet potato cousin at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  So a new experience to get them ready to steam.
Very pasty consistency no matter how much water I added.  Much like regular mashed potatoes.  So with that bag of sweet potatoes it ended up making 54 1 oz. servings plus a couple small Tupperware servings to feed Emma with during the next few days.  For $3.28 - that is amazing savings!  My penny pinching is still going strong, although it's only January 13th, so let's not get too excited.
Survey says:
Emma:  I'll take another hit of that!
Tim:  Pretty good (takes another bite for himself)
Ann:  Sweeter than I thought it would be
Abby:  I just want to peel them
Megan:  ZZzzzzzzzz (napping)

Abigail also worked very hard with Emma to help her learn how to sit up.  She's already conquered "rolly polly" as Megan likes to call her rolling skills.  Emma is pretty good at it, but will still kick back or tumble a little bit, but that's how they learn!  We introduced some new baby toys she could play with while sitting that she enjoyed as well.
Here's my Abigail all dressed up and ready to roll this morning.  She received some new boots with "high heels" on Sunday and wore them all day and had to have an outfit picked out for Monday to match them.  She said to me "Mom, don't I look all grown up?"  Yes you do baby girl (insert watery eyes).
Never fear - Megan also got some new shoes but they are dress "high heels" and she is not allowed to wear them to school so she just wears them around the house now to make stomping noises on the wood floors (the deciding factor for this shoe selection as she originally wanted boots, but they didn't stomp as well) and wearing them with her footy pajamas or just carrying them around.

It was a busy weekend and Monday came to quickly and a bit on the chilly side!

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