Monday, January 21, 2013

Lost Tooth, Butternut Squash, and a Baptism

This weekend turned into being a lot busier than expected.  We had a birthday party on Saturday and Baptism on Sunday and then smushed a bunch of other things in the middle of all of that.

The weekend started off with Abigail losing her 5th tooth.  It is the first one on the top she has lost.  We knew it would be coming out on Friday at school as Friday morning was full of drama because she bit her spoon wrong and it was barely hanging on, but she wouldn't let Tim pull it - and I don't pull teeth unless absolutely necessary.  Don't ask me why, just gives me the creeps.
So here we are with our tooth pillow all ready for bed with a sneaky little sister behind her.  Abby did end up pulling the tooth out at school by herself, and of course it was not big deal there.

Saturday was Carter's 6th birthday party at Going Bonker's.  It was probably the busiest I have ever seen that place.  There were birthday parties galore!  Lots of kids, lots of cake, and A LOT of chaos!  Poor Emma didn't get to play in the 3 and under side because it was just too crowded.  She had to deal with being snuggled by everyone.

Since we had an evening at home I decided to actually bake a decent meal for dinner.  One that did not involve the toaster oven (okay, so maybe it was slightly involved).  Made some bread in the breadmaker by utilizing the timer so we came home to a house filled with the smell of bread.  Decided to utilize what was in the freezer and made some chicken Parmesan from scratch with Megan's help.  She was my bag shaker to bread the chicken breasts.  Then we took on the butternut squash.....
I think this bad boy cost a little over $3 from our grocery store.  It's been sitting around since last week as there hasn't been time to make it yet.  So Megan and I cut it in half and scooped out the seeds.  She did not want to touch the slimy part.
Tim's half looked like this - he had "called dibs" on half of the squash.  We added some cinnamon accidentally in addition to the brown sugar and butter but it still tasted good.  The cinnamon gave it a different but good taste.
Emma's half looked like this.  Similar to sweet potatoes but definitely a more liquid consistency.  We still had a couple plastic containers to serve Emma out of so a whole squash probably would have made 30+ 1 ounce servings easily.  Pealing a squash to steam it was not easy.  I started trying to peel it, then went to just cutting the skin off and peeling off the rest after that.  Worked much better there, probably a little wasted, but it saved time and my sanity as I had a 3 year old helping with everything, and random "I'm hungry" about every 15 minutes.

Sunday we got up bright and early and headed to Collinsville, IL for our nephew Owen's baptism.
Here's a random group shot with the Godparents (yours truly) and Mike Dietz.  Theo also popped in and out of some photos.
Couldn't help but post this photo too.  Abby is snuggling with Owen.  She loves to hold her baby cousin, he wiggles less than Emma does.
Must have been a rough day on the babies!  Mike and Emma finally became friends by the end of the afternoon when she snuggled in and passed out.  Poor kid was out of sorts with the afternoon activities this weekend. 

It was a great weekend and many family and friends showed up to the baptism which was a great surprise to see them.  It was a quiet drive home with exhausted kids (and parents) to end the day.

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