Monday, June 29, 2009

GBS Lake Weekend

This weekend we headed down to the Lake of the Ozarks to the Cowan's lovely lake house. We had quite the house full, both in adults and children. We took a vacation day on Friday so we could get some extra time with our friends who had flown in from out of town and really enjoyed the relaxing.

Here is Megan with her first time in the pool. Ashley and Brogan aren't helping out much with all the splashing but she loves baths so she did just fine.
Hanging out in the pool. We did actually put her in the lake for about 5 minutes. She wasn't that happy but she was also in a life vest and baby float so she might not have been that comfortable.

Ashley and Abby hanging out with Megan.

Megan and Abby together in the pool

Here are Dave and Tim taking the paddle boat on it's maiden voyage. I believe there were some steering issues but they overcame them.

Jenn trying to get the Party Barge canopy up. It's a lot harder than it looks!
Here are Leann, Colleen, and Jenn chilling in the cove. This was pretty much our afternoon activities. I don't have a picture of all 7 girls together unfortunately. At this point and time we were still waiting for some others to show up.

Dave and Casey resting on the barge.
Saturday morning before the Taris clan arrived. They were watching some cartoon. From left to right it's Ashley, Brogan, Megan, and Abby.
Jenn & Dave took Abby and Ashley out for a spin on the paddle boat. The girls are pretty much inseparable when they are together.
It was a little hot and my camera fogged up really quickly. The dogs were helping protect the paddle boat.
Here is Tonya with Chase (in her lap) and Emmit is in the car seat. Or it could be the other way around too. They look very similar. Of course all the babies were very entertaining for the toddlers.

Finally on Sunday Abby was brave enough to go out on the waverunner with Tim. She was pretty much against it but we felt the need to force her to do it and once we were down there she was all about it and had a great time. They just stayed pretty close to the cove.

Here they are coming in.
Abby was helping drive.
She enjoyed the trip but was ready to get off so Ashley and Dave could go out.
There goes Ashley and Dave!

The weekend was great. I think we'll be recovering from it for a couple days as well. A little too much partying, sunburns, and some sore muscles from skiing will wrap it up. I have no pictures of Jessie, Jess & Rob, or Tom, Coty, and Axel, but they were all there. Once we got the kids down for naps all the adults were in the water enjoying what time we could get being all "kid free". So not a lot of picture taking there. Unfortunately the weekend had to end, but I bet we'll be back down there before you know it. The water was really warm and so relaxing to be in. Abby swam in the lake as well, she just likes to have a good hold of you. I think she'll get better as we're down there more.
We'll have the Taris family visiting tomorrow so I'm sure we'll get some good pictures then.

Megan 4-1/2 month update:
Height - 25-1/2 (>95)
Weight - 16 lbs (>95%)
Head - 16-3/4 (90%)

She is happy and healthy and that is all we can ask for. Believe it or not, we're staying home for the weekend of the 4th. Jenn & Dave will be in Springfield so no lake action. But I think we could use some relaxing and catching up with things at home. We'll be leaving for NY for Andrew's wedding the following week so we will probably need plenty of time with that as it will be the first time flying with both kids.

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