Monday, June 1, 2009

Carrollton Party Weekend

This weekend we headed up to Carrollton, IL for a graduation party and wedding. Friday night was Matthew Schmidt's graduation party. He's the last son for Sarah and Dan Schmidt to wrap up high school so they'll have an empty nest this coming fall when he heads up to college. They shared the hall with some other graduates and there was a DJ. I posted a video of Abby dancing at the end. She likes to party to say the least.

Here's a picture of Katelyn with Megan. She had the touch and Megan fell asleep in her arms despite being next to a speaker. Megan can sleep through about anything thankfully.

The next evening was Phil Schmidt and Tracey Young's wedding. For some reason I did not get any photos of the bride or wedding party. Tracey's dress was beautiful and she made a lovely bride. The bridesmaids dresses were also beautiful along with the flowers. It rained a little in the morning but then turned in to a nice sunny, warm day for the afternoon wedding.

Here's a photo of Abby, Aunt Betsy, and Grandma Schmidt. They are trying to teach her how to do the chicken dance. I think she was wearing down for the evening though.

Here's Great Aunt Janet and Megan. Megan did really well being passed around all night and was a really good baby. Janet is looking forward to her first granddaughter - who should be arriving in a couple of weeks.
Abby, as usual, giving out some kisses, and yes, they are in matching outfits. I unfortunately didn't get a better picture of them together so show off the dresses.
Megan has been pretty hungry in the evenings so we decided to try cereal a couple weeks early. She wasn't too keen on it but mostly was crying when she didn't have cereal in her mouth to play with. Overall I think she did pretty well and wasn't that messy.
Here she is a little more content. She'll figure it out eventually. Abby was there to help as well showing her how to open her mouth. Such a good coach.

Here is Abby dancing at Matthew's graduation. Imagin "Pour some sugar on me" playing in the background. The video is much darker on the computer than on my camera but you can kind of see her.

This weekend is Megan's baptism and we will have the whole Papke and Schmidt families together on Sunday to celebrate it. We're looking forward to having a full house and our families together.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I LOVED the video of the dancing and love the new website picture!! Hope you are well and miss you!