Thursday, February 14, 2013


Avocados were my next attempt at baby food for Emma.  Something fresh you could just smush up sounded like a good plan to me.
We only bought 2 of them and I only cut one open not knowing how Emma would appreciate them.  She didn't like bananas so I was anticipating some issues.  So I removed the seed and scraped out the goods and smushed it up in a bowl.
It wasn't that smooth so I put it in the Magic Bullet and added some water/formula to smooth it out and it looked better.

Emma:  Took about 3-4 bites and wasn't sure, then wouldn't eat any more
Megan:  NOOOOO!
Abby: Can we plant the seed?
Tim:  I think we should give the other one away.
Ann:  I'm glad we only bought two.

But we tried it and that is the point of it.
Anyone want an extra avocado??

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