Friday, December 7, 2012

The Week of Christmas Crud

This past week has been miserable for the Schmidt kids.  They have managed to get an array of viruses that have all resulted in doctor visits, missed school, and sleepless nights for Tim and I.  But we will prevail!  Despite our fridge that looks like a pharmacy with prescriptions we have continued our Christmas preparation traditions - germs and all.
The stockings were hung by the "Chinese Cabinet" with care.......that's Abby's word for it.

Decorating Grandma Papke's molasses cookies

My frosting partner in crime finishing up the final cookies

A close up of our stockings with the new addition of Emma's.  All 3 are unique.

Abby and Megan reviewing their ornaments for their tree the weekend "THE CRUD" showed up

Even though under the weather Megan got to roll out the "leftover" small ball of dough until it was in pieces.  Also - Diet Coke and flour do not mix - the can was upright for that moment.

Getting our decorating on with Emma giving her comments

This year they were more careful with their decorating least to start with

"Hey you - I'm trying to dump sprinkles in the middle of cookies here!"
Even though all 3 kids are sick we are still enjoying ourselves.  Sam's Club appreciated my purchase of Kleenex, and I did seriously think about getting some "Boogie Wipes" with all the snot we have in our house but passed for now.  Our mornings and nights start/end with "Let me check your temperature" and "Did you take your medicine?"  I'm waiting for a safe disinfecting wipe to come out for kids that have to be reminded to wash their hands constantly - and then asked again if they used soap.  I could at least randomly swab them off.
We had an enjoyable night sitting around the table, listening to Christmas music, decorating cookies, and trying to not wince when the cookies were coughed or sneezed on.  It was perfect.
Frosting kills germs - right?

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