Monday, December 10, 2012

A little closer to Christmas

This weekend provided a little R&R for the Schmidt girls to help recover from the CRUD of the previous weekend.  I can say that both Abby and Megan are both on the mend, but poor Emma is still miserable as last week and we'll probably have another follow up dr. appointment this week as we don't like to hear what's coming out of our poor baby.  We did get most of the rest of our Christmas decorations up however and just have to decorate one more tree tonight and put up the nativity scene and we can call it officially decorated.  We are going to continue to bake some more as the girls have asked for more Grandma Powers chocolate chip cookies - and who am I kidding, I want more too!  Then Abby brought home a recipe for Puppy Chow that they made in Kindergarten so we will be making our first attempt at that as well.

Saturday morning Emma got her local showing of "Dancing with the Stars"

Carrie Ann would say "I had to give a deduction for the lift".

We were going through our toys and found some old sun glasses that should fit Emma this summer - had to try them on.

We did get one tree decorated this weekend after much crying/arguing that their room had to be cleaned up before that could happen.

Friday night was Megan's"Cookies with Santa" preschool fundraiser so we decided to go since all kids had returned to school/daycare that day and survived.  This was our photo after we finally detached Emma's hand from Santa's beard.

And now Emma has entertainer herself with her shirt to give her belly photo.

"And I want a bear that you can write on and wash, Megan wants a pink car, and we don't know what Emma wants."

Picking our nose with Santa.

Megan and her best friend Emma

Making Snowman Socks - very creative idea!
It's crazy how quickly Christmas is sneaking up on us!  We still have a lot of shopping to do for exchange presents.  Thankfully is open 24 hours a day.

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