Monday, October 17, 2011

A weekend in Branson

Yes I have been absent from the blogging world for a week, but it was for good reasons....survival! Tim has been gone for the last 2 weeks for work and I have been getting all sorts of quality time with the girls. The reason there was no post from last weekend is that there might have been too much quality time and Mommy needed a nap!

So with all the quality time we discovered new things to do in Columbia to take up the evening hours and make bed time come sooner. Introducing the Public Library!

I have been meaning to take the kids for a while and just honestly have slacked on it. So we've been going on Monday's after work for an hour or so. Abby has a challenge to read 25 books a month for preschool to win a personal pizza so this has helped fuel our reading numbers. They also have computer games (pictured above) and handy bigger keyboards. We rented our first videos last week as well. There are always new discoveries when we go, even a book about the public library for kids to explain everything.

So back to the Tim being gone for 2 weeks......he finally returned this Friday night - not exactly to our house though. We spent the weekend at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson, MO. We had never stayed there, it looked pretty and has an indoor pool and playground for the kids - so that is a win win in their book. The girls and I drove down Friday afternoon and Tim drove from Memphis (as it was shorter than to Columbia) and got mauled by the girls for the next hour after he showed up. To say he was missed was an understatement. The hotel was very nice, the Sweet Shoppe was unfortunately very good and we visited them every evening. Abby even asked how late they were open (on her own) to make sure we would have time after swimming.

Here is the outdoor playground - and yes it's a gravity conveyor. As someone who works in a distribution center I found it to be entertaining. It was also the kids favorite slide.

More sliding before we hit the pool.

We did a little shopping after we checked out - and the kids could not resist the bull. Our reason for shopping was to get Megan some big girl panties! Yes she has almost conquered potty training and to celebrate (or motivate) the final stage we let her pick out some panties. She is doing great and we're excited to be out of the diapers/pull ups for good.

This was some Chicken/Steak house off of the main road that the kids were very excited about. They also have cows on the roof and in the restaurant. So we decided to join the tourists and eat there. You can see we are under the chicken - and much to Abby's disappointment, it did not lay an egg.

We missed the 100th Homecoming at Mizzou though this weekend with being out of town. We're not too sad that we missed the chaos. Thankfully both the Tigers and the Hawkeyes won this weekend. So all is well in the world of college football.

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