Monday, November 19, 2012

1st IL Deer Season

This past weekend was IL first deer season and not a single Schmidt girl went hunting this time.  This was due to having 3 birthday parties this past weekend that they preferred to attend instead of deer hunt.  Which is probably a good thing, because the girls would have probably impeded on Tim's napping in the deer stand this year.  The weather was wonderful so that means most of the Schmidt men went out in the afternoon and napped.  Tim did not shoot, but his Dad and our brother-in-law BJ both shot deer.

So, back to the birthday parties.  We started Saturday morning with a Birthday Tea Party for Callie Sapp in Auxvasse.  The girls came back with painted nails and their very own tea cups so they were happy campers.  Saturday afternoon was Lily Slenker and then staying to watch the MU pitiful last minute loss.  The kids ran around and enjoyed the bounce house.  By the time we got home that night after the game they just crawled into bed and crashed.  No parenting needed!  Sunday was Cora Davenport's birthday in Centralia.  Stacy has it down to an art and it was over in an hour. 

In between all these birthday parties we decided to bring back a couple "old" crafty hobbies.  The first one is making potholders.  My Grandma Powers taught me to make them one trip to the farm.  I probably made 20+ in the next 2 days.  I still have my loom Abby really wants to learn to sew since I have been quilting and my Mom had the idea of potholders so that was one of her birthday presents.  This weekend was our first "lesson" in potholder making.  Abby is a natural!

Our second potholder "in progress" is a rainbow

This was Abby's first potholder she made.  She designed the purple and orange herself and did all of it but the outer edges that I had to help a little bit with on her own.  Very proud of her.

Emma is scooting and rolling everywhere now.  She started at the top of this blanket and was here when I checked on her again.  She'll scoot in a 360 and did officially roll over on Sunday for the first time from back to front.

Our second blast from the past craft activity was using my Make It & Bake It oven.  Yes, this is mine from 20+ years ago.  My parents kept it and it still works!  They are now selling them again at the stores, but are definitely a lot fancier than mine.

My Make It & Bake It Oven

Cooking a castle sun catcher
Abby and Megan both made a sun catcher this weekend.  Now I just have to vacuum up all the small pieces that escaped to the floor.  They were both using tweezers to place the beads. It was like watching a bad game of Operation.  Eventually I was requested to help, which I have to admit was a little fun.  Might have to make my own..

Always have to end with an Emma photo.  Hadn't done a bath photo yet.  She now gets to sit in the tub and loves to kick her feet and splash.  I'm guessing we'll have another water friendly baby this summer.
Emma is looking more and more like Abby when she was a baby.  I keep comparing photos, and other than Abby being a little chubbier in the face (well overall in general) they are pretty identical.  Emma did conquer the concept of eating cereal this past week though so that process is going much smoother now.  It's less messy at least, that is until we introduce vegetables......


Jennifer Cowan said...

You survived!!!! Look at you go, pulling out the 80's crafting to keep them occupied :) I see lots of pot holders for Christmas presents.

The Schmidt Family said...

No doubt! I'm sure there will be a couple gifted to the lake. Santa might have to give one to Ashley so they can craft together over New Years.