Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Night At The Circus

The Circus has come to town - and left to the next destination already.  Last night the family went and saw the Kelly Miller Circus.  It was the first circus event for all of us, unless I've been to a circus before and just can't remember it.  All girls had a great time and were wide-eyed watching the performers, laughing a clowns, and oohhing and ahhing at the animals.
Emma watched the circus in the Baby Bjorn inside Tim's jacket since it was a little chilly.  She was wide eyed the whole time minus a little nap.

Every circus starts with a ring master and clowns

Some girls that twirled really fast

Some "dancing" camels and a donkey - but I'm not to sure it's not a "zonkey"

This pirate could balance!

More twirling pirates

What's a circus without some elephants??

And the tigers.  The band was playing pretty loud so you couldn't hear the tigers roar but there were a few times they did not was to cooperate with the trainer, who was from St. Louis. 

They could have rode a camel or an elephant, but no, Megan wanted to ride the ponies.

And what post would be complete without an Emma photo.  Yep, the Cardinals are in the playoffs so she's wearing Cubs.  That's how we roll.

Overall we had a great time at the circus, it was a late night for us all.  The ringmaster said one of the trapeze performers was in Water for Elephants so we'll have to watch that again and see if we can find her. 

1 comment:

Laura Borchert said...

We took Allie to a Circus years ago and she rode a pony and a elephant but all she could talk about was riding the pony. Craziness!!! :)