Monday, August 16, 2010

Bridal/Bachelorette Party

This weekend was Suellen's bridal shower and bachelorette party. We hosted the bridal shower at our house. As both Justin and Suellen are Mizzou fans and their wedding colors match that we went with the Mizzou theme as well.

Cake and brownies - Abby had a piece of each and wanted more so that is a pretty good testament to how they tasted.

Our bride-to-be with the goodies.

Opening presents.
Our festivities then led us to the Les Bourgeois Winery. I'd have to say we had a pretty good time there to say the least. Then the traditional Black & Gold visit, Whiskey Wild Saloon, then wrapped it up at The Diner for breakfast. Our sober driver Wendy was kind enough to stick it out until 2:30 in the morning - if we had some award - she would have won it.

As for Bachelorette party photos, there is a camera, it's not developed yet, and I have no idea what the photos look like.

Sunday was slow moving - but who am I really kidding, I think it was just me who was hurting. I'm out of practice and was in rare form. Thankfully Tim was kind enough to pick up my slack for the day. This weekend is the bachelor party and if I had to guess will be a little more out of control than ours was.....we'll see.

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