Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ice Cream!

In an effort to try some new locations out in Columbia we made a trek to Randy's Custard on Sunday evening to enjoy some custard as our favorite custard place - Shakey's is no longer. They conveniently had "baby cones" so we let Megan have at it for the first time on her own - it was a bath night. She loved it! Then tried to eat Abby's cone and my cone, but settled for some of Tim's concrete. She's addicted.

It doesn't look good for Abby but she catches up. Megan has it all over her dress and down her arm.

Seeing how it's done.

Looking at Daddy's concrete since her cone is almost gone.


This weekend we will be heading up to Iowa City/Delmar IA for the weekend for my Grandma Powers' burial and some family time. We will also be celebrating the retirement of my Uncle Pat. It should be a good weekend with family.

Congratulations to Rachel and Derek who will be getting married this weekend at Kentucky Lake on the Schmidt family side. Sorry we won't make it but we'll see you at Jake's wedding.

1 comment:

Tony and Colleen - The Journey said...

It is no Scooters, but looks pretty refreshing on a hot day!