Friday, October 9, 2009

Do Abby & Megan Look Alike?

Yes it has been a while since we have posted anything. You'll be surprised to hear that we have actually been staying home and just working around the house. So really no post-worthy photos. However this weekend is a winery trip and pumpkin festival so I am expecting some photos. You might not see much of the girls since they will be bundled up due to the cold! We'll see how Tim recovers from standing out in the rain all night at the Mizzou game - or as Abby called it, the waterfall.

We get a lot of opinions on how Megan does or does not look like Abby. The majority say they look different. Some people think Megan looks like Tim; personally I think they just say that out of pity since both girls look pretty much like me.

So Megan had her 6 month photos a while back and I pulled out Abby's 6 month photo and put them side by side.

I'd have to say they look just a little bit similar. Megan's hair is a little lighter and more wild, Abby had more teeth; and those are about the biggest differences.


Julie said...

They do look very similar. They are both so cute! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!

Alicia Weiman said...

Ann....they definitely look alike. My kids did too, but you'd find some people that would say Ava looked like me and Ethan looked like Dave, yet they would say they looked just alike!!! I was wondering where you had been! Your winery trip sounds like fun....oh to have a glass of wine!