Saturday, May 2, 2009

10 weeks and the newest Schmidt Family member

Megan is now 10 weeks old and has mastered blowing bubbles and scooting 90 degrees with her feet while on her back. She is starting to sleep longer at night so hopefully the 8 hours will stretch more to 10 hours. Tim and I are hoping someday to get to bed before 10 pm like the good ol' days. My return to work is creeping up on us. Megan has been working on sitting up a little bit and will sit in her Bumbo seat and lean up against you on the floor quite well. You just have to hold her up or she'll nose dive on you.

Hanging out in the Bumbo.
Having some floor time. She has definitely discovered her hands and is grabbing things left and right along with shoving her fists in her mouth and sucking on them. Looks like we might have another thumb sucker on our hands.

Our little cutie.
Working on some tummy time and blowing bubbles.
This weekend there was also a carnival in town with rides so of course we went. Here is Abby and Tim on the rug slide.
And with any carnival there are games. We played the game where you win a goldfish if you can throw a ping pong ball in the little bowl. We were 0/35 but they gave us the fish anyway. So Abby now has a fish in her room, named Nemo of course. She has been doing really well potty training so we didn't have a problem with getting her a little reward. It will be nice to have only 1 in diapers hopefully soon.
Introducing Nemo Schmidt.

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