Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

2009 is upon us and it's been eventful to say the least. Our year started off with a family loss unfortunately. Tim's grandmother, Doris Schmidt, passed away on New Year's Eve. It was quite a shock to all and she will be greatly missed. We are thankful for the time we had with her and that we got to spend this past Christmas with her.

On a happier note, our college group of friends flew in and drove in for New Year's Eve celebrations. We didn't get to spend that much time with everyone but had a good time with the short time we spent. Below are some pictures of the Magic House. Abby had a small fall that resulted in crying in to a nap so the photos are limited.

Here are Abby and Ashley teaming up on their tower. You would never guess that their parent's were engineers.

Abby and Ashley in the kitchen checking out what there is to cook.
Here is Casey changing out a muffler on the toy car. I'm not to sure who had more fun at the Magic House, Casey or the kids......
Abby thought she would check out Casey's work.

We're looking forward to 2009. We have a couple weddings that will add a couple more members to both the Schmidt and Papke families and will be adding some babies as well to both sides. It should be yet, another busy year.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hey Ann! Thanks for sharing. We can't wait to hear about the baby - I can't believe it is only a few weeks away! Take care and Happy New Year!