Monday, January 19, 2009

Abby Weekend Comes to an End

This past weekend was "Abby Weekend". We decided to devote some quality time with her before #2 shows up. So we planned a 3 day weekend down in Branson and Big Cedar. Of course there was a little outlet mall shopping for Mommy and a Bass Pro stop for Daddy. Unfortunately my camera ran out of batteries after the Bass Pro stop so these are the only pictures. We happened to arrive during the fish feeding which Abby enjoyed quite a bit. There were mostly rainbow trout in the tank but they were pretty large. As you can see Abby gave us some cheesy poses for the camera.

Our weekend started off with snow on Friday morning which Abby loved. Too bad none of it stuck to the ground. We had a late lunch with some Harry & David cookies that Abby picked out for dessert. After dinner we hit the swimming pool and Abby had a blast. She went down the slide and played on the stairs for about an hour. We ended the evening with renting Alvin & the Chipmunks, or The Munks as Abby likes to call them and watched it for the first of about 5 times this weekend.

Saturday we headed down to the Branson Landing, more shopping and eating and playing. The sun was out so Abby got to play on some outside toys. She picked out Daddy a St. Louis Cardinals camo hat that she really likes and Daddy picked her out a camo Bass Pro hat. Mommy passed on the camo. We had lunch at Waxy O'Shea's which is one of our favorite Irish Pubs and then back for naps and more swimming. This time we had purchased some water wings for Abby and she could swim by herself. Mostly just with kicking but she was figuring out the whole arms thing by the end of it. A couple trips down the slide, and most of the time on the stairs. We also ran in to Tim's sister Betsy and her husband and in-laws who were enjoying a weekend there as well. We ended the night with some Madagascar as we had to return the Munks.

Sunday we headed back and surveyed our shopping damage. Abby is definitely set for spring and next fall/winter unless there is a crazy growth spurt. Tim did some more work on the basement and now all the ceilings are finished. There are still small things to finish of course and hundreds of nail holes to fill. We will hopefully work on these this week and then do some shopping for a futon and desk this weekend. Everything is coming together. I'll update with more photos probably after this weekend.

Baby Update: Nothing's happening. Not dilated or effaced at all, so everyone who was thinking the baby would come early can just keep on hoping. I think #2 is holding out until mid-February.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Looks like a fun weekend! I'm sure Abby loved it! We have been thinking about you! Let us know if you need anything.