Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Little "Helper"

This weekend was full of rain. Of course we still have plenty of inside projects going on so we stayed busy none the less. With Abby being stuck inside we also had to entertain her quite a bit so we had some special projects to help get through the day.

Our neighbors, Barb & Frank, always seem to have some sort of dessert waiting for us when Abby makes her almost daily visits so we decided to make some cupcakes for them. Here is Abby putting on the sprinkles.
Here's the finish product. Abby also put in the pumpkin toothpicks as well. Our small attempt to welcome fall.
Of course she had to enjoy the fruits of her labor for her snack. She just eats the frosting pretty much.

Here Abby is helping Daddy mud one of the last closets in the basement. Yes we have been dry walling for weeks it seems and Tim is finally realizing why you pay other people to do this part.

Just mudding some other sides. This could be her closet some day!
Finally Daddy shares the ladder with Abby!
Here we are all worked out. Plus she has gone up and down the stairs about 20 times, but apparently it never gets old. She can now walk up and down them like a big girl so she is pretty proud of herself.

All in all it was a good weekend. I think I have finally cleaned enough upstairs to feel bug free finally. The basement is progressing slowly yet surely and is still somewhat on track to be finished by Abby's birthday. Both Mizzou and the Hawkeyes won so it was a good football weekend. We'll see how they do when they get some real competition, although it's always nice when the Hawks bring home the CyHawk trophy. Now if I could only get the Big Ten Network in MO.......hopefully someone from Mediacom will read this.

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