Wednesday, September 3, 2008

4 Month Update

Many people keep asking for pregnancy updates so here you go!

Yesterday we had our 4 month appointment. Everything went fine. #2's heartbeat was around 150 and my blood pressure was just fine. Tim and Abby attended the appointment so they got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I think Abby was more entertained with playing with her tractor. She did get Dr. Jones to talk on her Princess cell phone, apparently he had a call.

I am feeling much better now. The evening sickness is pretty much passed. Brushing my teeth on the other hands still gives me some issues but nothing as bad as it used to be so I am very thankful for that!

Our next appointment is October 2nd and that is the big ultrasound so we'll have more pictures of #2 to share with everyone. We're looking forward to that visit quite a bit.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I am excited to see pics of #2! Will you find out the sex?

Glad to hear you are feeling better and I know exactly what you are talking about with brushing your teeth! I had several weeks of that! Nick always loved brushing his teeth next to me in the morning!