Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Football Season is Here!

September is here and with it football season!!! Friday night lights and Saturday tailgates are now in full swing. I do love football season. Mizzou played Miami of Ohio and Iowa played Tennessee Tech - both at home and both at 11 AM. So we taped Iowa and went to the Mizzou game. Tailgating started at 8 AM when the parking lots opened up.

Our cheerleaders for the day. The Pollard's came in town for the game - and of course Abby was upset she didn't have a cheerleader outfit. But she sported the Hawkeye gear with me.

Here we are at the game. It. Was. Hot!. is about all I can say about that. People were dropping like flies and leaving after the first quarter. The girls lasted until half time and Megan probably would have gone back in if Tim would have taken her - however the Moms (Suellen and I) got to take back the girls to the house and AC! I did get a couple comments concerning my Hawkeye wear and a reminder of a certain Insight Bowl game. All I could do was smile :).....

We ended Saturday night with Shakespears and Sparky's - it doesn't get much better than that.

We actually stayed home the rest of the weekend and worked on much needed projects that have been avoiding us with the summer/boating season.

Monday Tim worked so the girls and I went and saw The Smurfs. It was smurftastic!

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