Monday, August 30, 2010

A couple photos

So we have been promising more photos of the boat and I have successfully managed to not take any pictures while were on the boat and only have some photos of when we first cleaned it out - so this is what you get for now.

The back transom, very exciting.

A slight view of the interior, hardly does it justice.

Had to throw a Megan photo in - she now climbs on the big side of Bonker's - that is until the meltdown before nap time and you have to climb in and retrieve her.

Here's Tim cleaning out the boat after Pollard's bachelor party at Mark Twain Lake. We took the boat out this past Sunday as well with Tim's parents and managed to not have that many issues with the whole putting in/taking out scenario. It's a busy boat ramp so there isn't much room for messing up which doesn't help the nerves, but we survived. Tim does the trailer, I drive the boat. It works out - at least for now. I'm sure my day with the trailer will come. Both girls fell asleep on the boat. Tim managed to ski with the wake tower, but I'm not sure I enjoy the rope being there.

On Saturday we attended Vince Kaimann's wedding in Old Monroe, MO. Vince and Tim were college roommates their last year of school together.

The happy couple.

The traditional take away in the tractor - reminded us a lot of Carrollton, IL.

Tim and I did get one night to ourselves though at the Ameristar hotel and Casino. We have both stayed there for work, but never together so we enjoyed a kid free evening with dinner at Bugatti's and then old St. Charles for a walk and their free concert series was that night as well. It was very nice - we even tried to sleep in......we made it to 7 AM.

This weekend I'll be heading up to IC to visit my parents with the girls and it's my 15 year high school reunion. Tim will be heading to IL for dove season. Then I bet you see us on the water on Monday if I had to guess.

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