Friday, September 7, 2012

Emma is 2 Months

It's hard to believe that two months have gone by already.  Emma is growing like crazy and is a great baby.  She sleeps through the night and entertains herself.  Her sisters can't get enough of her and their first question when they get home everyday is "Where is Emma?".  Although their attention span with her is limited to about 5 minutes, but then they are back 10 minutes later.  For 5 and 3 they are great helpers and usually do what we ask.

We're not exactly sure what color her hair will be just yet.  Many people have told us her eyebrows are red so we'll see.  Abby had a red tint in the beginning too so maybe it will be close to her color.  Doesn't look like she'll be the bleach blonde that Megan is.

For Labor Day Weekend we went up the Iowa City to spent time with my parents and introduce Emma to members of the Powers family that came out to see us.  Of course there was a Hawkeye game to watch and Emma needed her first official Hawkeye outfit for the game.  She seemed to pay attention to the game while in the bouncy seat so that was nice.  It allowed me to finish her quilt.

She had her 2 month appointment and here are some stats and fun facts about our Emma:

  • Height - 21-1/2 inches (50%)
  • Head - 15 - 1/2 (75%)
  • Weight - 12 lb 9 oz (>95%)
  • Sleeps 11-12 hours at nice (we love that part!)
  • Naps twice a day, sometimes more if we go somewhere in the truck, not really on a schedule for this but we are working on that
  • Smiles when you talk to her
  • Blows bubbles
  • Likes tummy time
  • Is cooing and talking to us
  • Likes sitting up on your lap so she can see things
  • Takes 4 - 8 oz bottles a day now
  • Burps like a champ, all you have to do is sit her up usually
  • Wearing 3-6 month or 6-9 month clothing depending on brand
  • Size 2 diapers already

That's a pretty good summary of her for now.  We love her and can't get enough of her.  It will be hard to go back to work at the end of the month.

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