Monday, January 23, 2012

The Final Christmas - or first of 2012

This weekend the Schmidt family traveled down to Branson for the final Christmas - or first of 2012, however you want to look at it. Since we were in Iowa over Christmas we usually celebrate with Tim's family in January when it's less hectic. So we rented at 5 bd/4ba house on Table Rock Lake at a resort called The Cliff's that was very nice. It had plenty of room for all 11 of us to enjoy ourselves. The 92 inch TV media room didn't hurt either :).

We started Friday night off with some present opening so the kids could have some entertainment for the rest of the weekend.

Pre-present opening poses. And yes the girls are basically holding Theo in place for the photo. He wasn't that excited about it all.

And this was the view from our deck. Very peaceful this time of the year with just a few fisherman going by.

And Megan's favorite gift - her own cleaning cart! I expect to have a shiny clean house this week with all the extra help now that she has her own "stuff".

Overall the weekend went by very quickly with family meals and a little bit of shopping. We were packing up and heading north on Sunday before we knew it. Tim is still recovering from his food hangover.

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