Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter, A Wedding, and the 1st Fishing trip of the Year

Playing a little blogging catch up today. We've finally bounced back from the Disney trip and I have been out of town for work, so it's been a little busy to say the least. Pictures have been taken, just not downloaded. So here is our recap of the last couple of weeks.

We did our Easter egg dying at home, still need to make some deviled eggs....maybe tonight.

Easter morning the girls found their baskets conveniently in their rocking chairs with some new movies and a couple other goodies. It was a little bitter sweet as we have spent the last 2 Easter's out at the farm with Uncle Pat and visiting my Grandma. So this year, new traditions. Things were a little last minute so I am sure these new traditions are not finalized.

Showing off our baskets before church. As you can see, Megan is just as much a morning person as I am. Abby sprung out of bed immediately - she's very cooperative when there are gifts involved.

The Egg hunt upstairs.

Megan wasn't that thrilled - she's not exactly awake - and yes her hair is actually combed. It tends to do it's own thing at times.

On our way to church - you can just feel the excitement. This is her new baby from the Easter Bunny.

After church we went to Truman's for brunch and what Easter would not be complete without a little Big Buck Hunter.

Oh - and the boat came back over Easter weekend as well. We now have an additional concrete pad poured just for the boat!

After brunch we continued the downstairs Easter egg hunt - these eggs had the candy in them so there was a little more excitement.

Easter was survived and this past weekend we celebrated the wedding of Laura & Brad. I had an outside seat during the wedding so my photos are a little far away. However after the wedding Laura and Brad went out back - and I got a good shot of Brad enjoying his new husband duties of fixing Laura's dress. When we arrived at the wedding we walked by seeing Laura get a few shots and Abby's first comment was "Mommy -there's the princess!"

After the wedding. Her flowers were beautiful, great colors to go with the bridesmaids dresses.

And the departure.....every Schmidt wedding in Carrollton I have been to has had the wedding party leaving in a tractor drawn flatbed. This is the first one in a corvette, possibly in over 25+ years.

Trying to get a good photo of the cousins - Theo wasn't having any of it. Although he did adjust to getting all the extra lovin' from Abby by the end of the night. Abby and Theo were dancing quite a bit by the end. He was shuffling his feet while Abby was spinning him around and putting some of her DWTS moves on him.

At the reception - Abby got her picture with her princess.....although she forgot her autograph book!

(Photo by Abby) Abby got a hold of my camera for part of the reception. I told her to take some photos of the cake and she came back and said "Mom, all I can find is cupcakes and there are some weird things on top." The weird things were of course Mario and his princess from Super Mario Brothers. Weird to Abby but recognizable to everyone over 10 years old. As Brad is quite a gamer there were references to that throughout the night - the wedding party walked in to the sound of the Pac Man game.

The day after the wedding we went out to do some fishing on one of the Schmidt farm ponds. Megan still reels in the cast as soon as it's out there. No patience for an actual fish to bite.

Abby however did very well and set the hook on 3 fish she caught all by herself. Still not going to touch them - however I'm not much help in that department. Megan won't even get close, there was crying and running away when we tried to get a photo with her fish.

Counting the fish on our way up for lunch - Abby said there were 14.

And that was the end to our weekend. We ended up getting back to Columbia after 4 pm. Unloaded the truck and I managed to fall asleep until Monday morning. I thankfully have an awesome husband that fed/bathed the kids and didn't bother me so I could catch up on some much needed sleep.

It's a new week though. This weekend we are headed down to Rogersville, MO for the baptism of my God-Daughter Allison. Tim also thinks he is going to do some turkey hunting...we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love love love the shout out! Great pics from the church window!!! :)