Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Holiday

This weekend we celebrated with both of our families and in 3 states. Needless to say we are very thankful for our safe travels and time spent with everyone. We were lucky enough to almost have everyone there for the celebrations as well. It wouldn't be a blog entry without some photos.

Here is Abby and her cousin Caroline playing in the leaves. Caroline lives in Florida so she is used to palm trees and beaches so the cold weather and leaves were fun.

They do look pretty cute and innocent here.

Here is Great Grandma Powers with her newest great grandchild, Ellis. He is only 2 weeks old. Abby is smothering him with kisses right now. She likes the babies.

Here is Great Grandma Powers with Ellis, Abby, and Caroline. Mackenzie was still taking a nap. So that wraps up the 4 current great grand children and #5 is about 11 weeks away. Yes Abby is wearing her cooking apron again. She has a small attachment to it.

After lunch Abby & Caroline, along with Tim, Joe, & Erinn headed out to the farm to check out the pond, which you can see part of in the back ground. Abby and Caroline were quite the pair holding hands and walking through the bean fields.

Next it was on to the shed to check out the tractors. Abby had been talking about them on the whole drive up as we saw some combines and tractors pulling wagons.

Here are the twosome again.

Here we are back in Iowa City. It snowed Saturday night and Abby was pretty excited about going and playing in it. Tim showed her how to make and throw snowballs so that was her mission.

Throwing snow at the dogs.

Poor Buddy got the most snow thrown at him.

All in all it was a very nice long weekend and we got to see everyone, eat way too much, and have a great time.

7 Month Update...
Yes it has been 7 months already. We're in the home stretch. I now go to the doctor every 2 weeks which will help time go by a little quicker, not that it hasn't already with all of our activities lately. Everything is still fine with the baby and my blood pressure. I had my glucose test and PASSED! No, it wasn't the 1 hour test, it was the 3 hour test. Since I have never passed the 1 hour we just went straight to the 3 hour to save a little time and insurance money. So I am very thankful that I passed and it's one less thing to worry about. With as different as this pregnancy has been I expected to fail. All is well, next appointment is December 9th.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Looks like a fun weekend! We enjoyed seeing you guys last week!