Monday, August 18, 2008

OCCI Picnic

This past weekend was Tim's annual company picnic. It was held out at their office and they had some games and inflatables for the kids. Which ended up being Abby's favorite part of the whole day. Out of the 3 hours we were at the picnic she was probably in the bounce toys for 2-1/2.

Here she is going down the slide. She was a little hesitant at first but then was jumping down it like the big kids.

Here is Dave helping her over the wall of the obstacle course. That part was just a little too tall for her to do on her own. Not that she didn't try.
The hand off to Laura to get her over to the other side so she can continue the course.

Not the most graceful entrance but she was determined to do it on her own. She probably wasn't exactly big enough to be on the toy but that wasn't going to stop her.
2-1/2 hours later of playing and she was kind of tired out. We thought it would be an early to bed evening as we were tired from standing in the sun watching her, but no, Abby got her second wind when we got home. Where she gets her energy we'll never know.


Julie said...
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Julie said...

She is very active! Looks like a fun day!

Alicia Weiman said...

How cute! Must have been the weekend for company picnics! Your pictures are adorable!

Stacy said...

Too cute!! She's a mini-Ann! :)